Monday, June 4, 2012

Wife Finds Man's Porn 'Stash

Tehachapi, CA-Local resident Lehman Santosandgina was surprised by his wife last Tuesday afternoon with new accusations of having a secret life. As Carroll Santosandgina was cleaning the couple's modest bedroom, she began dusting the side table next to the bed. "Suddenly this hairy object fell from underneath the side table drawer." Mrs. Santosandgina said, "At first I thought it was a spider, you know, one of those big scary ones.” To her relief it did not move and she realized that it was not in fact an over-follicled arachnid. "I picked it up and in the light I realized there was sticky material on the back" she stated to her sister-in-law Vassel McDoubter who happened to visiting that day, delivering Mary Kay products. She showed it to McDoubter and, after careful examination, properly identified it as a fake mustache.

"It was a thick one" McDoubter later stated, "like what was popular in the '70's and 80's...or something that a cop would have.” The fake mustache sat untouched on the kitchen table as Mrs. Santosandgina began to wonder why her husband would have something like this. "At first I thought it was a definite sign he was cheating on me. But I thought that it didn't make any sense.". Later she admitted that he thought that her husband may have a fantasy about reliving his college years, wanted to be a fireman, a cop or some other civil service.

It was not until Mr. Santosandgina was almost home that she finally figured it out. "We had rented this really poor production value pornographic video a few weeks back. It was just dreadful. The main character...Ivan Yacinov or something like that... had this really thick mustache that Lehman kept mentioning and admiring. "

When Lehman Santosandgina did finally arrive home he knew something was amiss as he entered the narrow threshold of the living room. ”She had this air about her that she only gets when she's really mad" Sandtosandgina stated, "I just didn't want to hear it so I tried to ignore it until I saw my 'stash sitting on the table"

In the end, the couple is closer now because of the incident. “Lehman confessed to me that he had always wanted to be a police officer but when he entered his teens and early 20's he was never able to grow the nice thick mustache that the men in blue wear so proudly. I felt bad for him really.”Mrs. Santosangina says. “I threw that worthless costume prop away and decided to grow my own,” Lehman says proudly, “WHAT!? No I have not been drinking chocolate milk. Why do you ask?”

Editors Note: The Santosanginas filed for divorce on April 2nd citing irreconcilable differences. In a post interview, Carroll Santosangina stated “I just can't be married to a half-man freak who cant grow facial hair.”

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